Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A New Era

has begun. Hallelujah. I am quite a funny Jewish girl. Ramadan hit me like a very good car accident. It is about finding a strength that sometimes is playing hide and seek, cleansing, feeling hunger and fighting temptation. Traditions of the world. The power of nations, and millions. 
Another reason my pulse is pulsing once again. The girls started school yesterday! My days are free, to do as I please. A year introspection and reflection are at my fingertips. I found a beautiful hidden sauna in the basement of the building. Days are a perfect combination of warm and windy... 

 FISH dinner (i.e.-first time ever eating a whole fish)

I think his morning was packed.... 

        Molly Poppins in action- Topkapi Palace

1 comment:

Bas said...

Are you fasting? Why did Ramadan 'hit you'?