Tuesday, May 27, 2008


A friend told me for the first posting you just need to throw-up all over it. make it yours. i don't really like throw-up talk, so even his words disgusted me. but he is right and it is true. i am about to spew all over the place. get ready. 

- it is 2:35AM. I leave for New York in 6 hours. i still have to pack for the next year of my life. my mind is racing and my fingers are typing quickly. good work little fingers. 

- while this blog will document my time as a nanny, it will more importantly address (through my eyes) these important issues of life. adventures, observations, dreams, cheese puffs, reflection, treasures, truths, loves, interactions, growth, humorous exchanges. i will be honest. tell the truth. promise. hopefully make you laugh every now and then.

- blogs are strange things. it is strange i am going to blog. and i admit to you, i am totally excited. perhaps it will help me put it all in perspective, weed out the important bits of experience, the pieces that are worth writing down AND sharing with others. and , of course, from a distance assist in staying connected. to you. 

- i have finally created a life that i have always hoped for. when i left asheville everything was tip-top. i was living in a beautiful world of friends, laughs, confidence, hugs, motivation, direction, good questions, and good drinks. i was perfectly happy and perfectly comfortable. perhaps the comfort was too much. time to mix it up. find a challenge and inevitably find the growth.... but you know, it is hard to change things that are so damn good to go into the unknown. kinda makes you feel crazy at times... i just keep telling myself i am running into something magnificent. i can create whatever life i please. (and so can you) up up and away. higher and higher.

- i am thinking a lot about what i will miss about life in cincinnati/asheville. if you were to leave where you live now what would you miss?

- today after ramming my knee into the car door my mother says to my father, "her lack of in all things generally, is sometimes amusing." thanks mama. and let me tell you get ready. cause i am about it leap off like a fucking gazelle. yeah. 

- well i suppose this is a sufficient vomit. ewww. ummm.... to end, i was thinking i could post a picture like this one...  to illustrate the sheer feeling of delight graduation gave me. or another happy picture like this one..... 
but i figure i will keep it real. bring it back to the nasty natti, and the fam.  so this is a picture of my brother and i today. at jungle jims. the best grocery store in the mid-west. we were going on a safari. the swarms of jungle jims customers steered clear pops as he got this shot.... 

we told them our parents dont take us out much. we laughed hard at the ridiculousness and hilarity of it all. it was a good day with the family. one of the best. until next time...
(big up b mez....)

1 comment:

Ambie said...

i love reading your blog molly. it is totally personal and completely inspiring. i'm glad i stumbled upon it. good luck in your travels and your life lessons. :)