Monday, June 23, 2008

party time!!!

Lets jump between two scenarios. I will stick to the birthday theme, and explore two thoughts.
-How the same world can house so many millions of different lives,
-and how do I gently work my way into these lives.

Last year. Cincinnati, Ohio. Kizaya was turning two. The attendants for her classroom party included a 5weekold with crack in its system, a boy whose mom just moved them to a shelter (domestic violence), and 10 others all of whose life was fully unexpected. - We sang happy birthday, but had no cake. I wasn't even able to hold the birthday girl extra. It would spoil her. I was told birthdays come every year, and someone has a birthday everyday, no reason it make a fuss over it.... - her mom picked her up late, yanked her by the arm, and she left in tears. Happy Birthday Kizaya.

Yesterday. Istanbul, Turkey. Defne was turning 6. We woke with excitement. It was the day of the party. The girls wore their new pink and white silky dresses. They looked beautiful. The party was filled with laughter, streamers, balloons, games, smiles, magicians, photographers, videographers, cake, cookies, pinatas, face painting, and love. It was as if from a storybook. It was a special birthday. Except her birthday isn't really until August.... but all of her friends will be away on holiday. So Defne, in two months, Happy Birthday.

- Some children are given a world full of love, opportunity and hope. It is also filled with the expectation that they will take these seeds and create a life for themselves that reflects this.

-Others are not. One parent told me, "Why give  you child false hope, for what they can never become?" These children are conditioned from the day they were born to be the fighters, and the survivors. 

Ahhhhh.... Perhaps I am not articulating my thoughts so well,,, and I apologize if I am speaking in such absolutes....

and now for me- so I have been thinking about what I am doing in these lives.... I am not necessarily here to live out my educational philosophy. I am here to be an active observer of their reality. Not to bring change, nor judgement. Just enter their lives in the softest and most unassuming of ways.... and attempt to show them a bit of my world.... 

(well shoot. it is rather curious.... i have great pictures for you.. but its not going to work now. sorry. just imagine.)


Athreya Dilip said...

Thats what I keep arguing with people..who wants to bring change in others life by meddling with their lives and screwing their lives up in that process (Eg: Most of the foreign policies of the rich west).

Why cant v be just witness (or just observers as u put it) of the reality and see change occur on its own!

Love your thoughts, cant say "love you" yet ;-) though would like to say it soon!

Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear your thoughts girly. You are a special lady, and an infinite source of love and light.